Elite Flyer Virtual Program

Hello both athlete and parent(s) I am so excited to have you a part of the Elite Flyer Program. The Elite Flyer Program is designed to bring flyers to the next level. Flyers will improve their flexibility and stability. I have worked with over 400 flyers worldwide with my programs. The results are guaranteed if the work ethic is there and the work is put in. Will it be easy? No! Will it be worth it? Absolutely! Each flyer will receive their weekly program both stretching and strengthening that is specifically catered to them.

The Elite flyer program is an eight week commitment that costs $60USD/week. This program is fully virtual and to be done at home. This is NOT a zoom class. Athletes work on their own time within the days they are programmed to work. Athletes are held accountable, there is a system to insure this. The Elite Flyer Program is available to athletes all over the world.

What is included in the $60USD/week:

- 3 day Stretch programming - 2 day Strength & Stability Programming - The most important part RESULTS

Please keep in mind all athletes' starting points are different. This program doesn’t guarantee perfect body positions in eight weeks. It is designed to increase flexibility safely while creating a strong full body. Each athlete will see results over the course of eight weeks. This program will not guarantee a straight leg scorpion/needle or perfect bow and arrow within the eight weeks. It all depends on the starting point of each individual athlete. Flyers of any skill set are welcome, beginner to elite! We all can get better and stronger! Any questions please feel free to DM @malekhintoncheer on Instagram or email office@malekhintoncheer.com

Registration is now closed - join our waitlist below!